Check out our hardworking Volunteers!
People, from all over our fine community, came to lend a helping hand.
Thanks to EMSWCD for the funds to make this possible, the Depave team to make the depave day go smoothly and all you wonderful VOLUNTEERS who either brought food or used your muscles to pull-up that nasty asphalt!

'Our Happy Block' is a grassroots SE Portland Neighborhood Coalition formed to improve livability through volunteer projects and sustainable community design. We live and work in the vicinity of SE 80th-82nd Avenue and SE Woodstock Blvd/SE Martins Street in Portland, Oregon....where the heart-bomb mural is located.
Jun 25, 2011
Jun 20, 2011
Can you believe it?
Volunteers gathered this past Saturday to Depave 4,300 Square Feet of Asphalt!
It was a fun-filled work day!
Thanks everyone...more pictures to come.
Volunteers gathered this past Saturday to Depave 4,300 Square Feet of Asphalt!
It was a fun-filled work day!
Thanks everyone...more pictures to come.
thanks Depave!
Jun 15, 2011
I can almost see the soil under the asphalt!
Depave day is this Saturday!!!
Lunch, refreshments, gloves, goggles, and tools will be provided.
DATE: Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 at 9:00am
We’ll be starting at 9am and going until 4pm.
Between 80th-82nd on SE Woodstock, Portland, Oregon
Thanks so much to all our partners including EMSWCD, BES, Depave, SE Uplift, PDC, Neighbors, Calvary Church, and all volunteers!DATE: Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 at 9:00am
We’ll be starting at 9am and going until 4pm.
Volunteers are welcome to come at any time and stay for as long or short as willing.
LOCATION: 8040 SE Woodstock BLVDBetween 80th-82nd on SE Woodstock, Portland, Oregon
We are so thankful to have your support and positive vibes...we are creating a better place to live and work together!
Don't hesitate to call me (Terah Beth) or email me for more information: 971.404.9864
- Thanks & see you there!
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