'Our Happy Block' is a grassroots SE Portland Neighborhood Coalition formed to improve livability through volunteer projects and sustainable community design. We live and work in the vicinity of SE 80th-82nd Avenue and SE Woodstock Blvd/SE Martins Street in Portland, Oregon....where the heart-bomb mural is located.
Oct 31, 2011
Plants are in the ground!
Our Planting Party was truly amazing. We planted around 1,000 native trees, shrubs, groundcover and grasses.
It looks great. We will add mulch in the coming weeks along with drip irrigation.
I will post more pictures when I get a moment to compile them all.
Thanks everyone!
Terah Beth
Oct 19, 2011
The time is finally here...it's time to PLANT!
Join Our Happy Block and Depave for a fun day in the dirt where we’ll put in over 1,000 plants all around the new greenspace.
Celebrate with us and learn all about naturescaping and rain gardens!
(or if you don't want to play in the dirt, we can always use food donations. Please 'reply' if you'd like to contribute in this fashion.)
Tell your friends!
Please email me with any questions or to let us know you'll be bringing food!
We are also looking for folks who have a lot of experience in landscaping to help lead volunteer crews.
Let me know if you are interested!
Thanks so much!
Terah Beth
email me
Help us get the garden going at the most happening community greenspace in the neighborhood!
We depaved a parking lot, and now we’re ready to add a dash of paradise.
We depaved a parking lot, and now we’re ready to add a dash of paradise.
Join Our Happy Block and Depave for a fun day in the dirt where we’ll put in over 1,000 plants all around the new greenspace.
Celebrate with us and learn all about naturescaping and rain gardens!
(or if you don't want to play in the dirt, we can always use food donations. Please 'reply' if you'd like to contribute in this fashion.)
Tell your friends!
DETAILSDate: Saturday, October 22Starting: 9:00 am - show up whenever you can help during the daySite: Calvary Church parking-lot | 8040 SE WoodstockVolunteers of all ages are welcome! Depave will provide volunteers with all the necessary tools and gloves.
Please wear clothing appropriate for the weather.
Please email me with any questions or to let us know you'll be bringing food!
We are also looking for folks who have a lot of experience in landscaping to help lead volunteer crews.
Let me know if you are interested!
Thanks so much!
Terah Beth
email me
What we've already achieved together...
- Planted 29 new street trees on our block!
Greatly improved neighborhood safety by
cutting-off the entrance/exit from Calvary's parking lot to Martins
Street (this prevents vehicles from 'short-cutting' through the parking
lot at high speeds. )
added sidewalks, curbs and street trees where the concrete approaches once were. - Planted a new Native Plant Garden!
- Painted a 50' x 23' Mural & added lighting to deter graffiti and prevent crime
Depaved over 4,300 square feet of asphalt!
- added Curbs and new parking stall striping to parking lot
- Worked together with our fellow neighbors to take ownership of our BLOCK!
- had a Neighborhood Block Party during national night out
This project, and past projects, was made possible by a partnership with the following organizations (Thank You!)
- Our Happy Block Coalition (includes neighbors on the block, businesses on the block, neighborhood watch, Calvary Church)
- Calvary Church
- Bureau of Environmental Services (City of Portland )
- East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
- Portland Development Commission
- SE Uplift
- Depave
- Mt. Scott Neighborhood Association
- Friends of Trees
- Johnson Creek Watershed Council
some in-progress photos:

Oct 5, 2011
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